positivity - wellbeing - health book now yoga - pilates - movement book now relaxation - calming - mindfulness book now


My journey into health and wellbeing started as a result of seeking a balance between what was a sedentary existence as a Chartered Accountant in the City of London to the demands of having young children.

It became clear to me that looking after yourself was not just about exercise in isolation but was more about taking a holistic approach to exercise, nutrition and stress management.

Ensuring a good quality of life for as long as possible requires us to look inwards and to give ourselves more time and attention.  Almost all common conditions can probably be alleviated, or avoided, if we understand how the body works and what it needs from us.

My hope is that everyone can find a way to transform, providing the opportunity to be well, healthy and flexible for as long as possible.

Please join me and focus together towards a better, healthier and happy you.

health – nutrition – positivity

Our bodies are working constantly to support our existence. Like any engine, they need the right fuel to operate efficiently and effectively.

And, as with any organ, if we abuse it then we should not be surprised when it stops running the way it should.

To learn and understand what your unique body needs, you can contribute to a lighter and healthier future.

strength – flexibility – mobility

Movement is medicine.

It’s no secret that to move well and move often is how we can stay strong and healthy.

Exercise is for more than just changing our shape or appearance. Consistent and thoughtful movement has wide-ranging benefits, from your muscles and cardiovascular system to your healthy immune system and brain function.

calm – deep – mindful

Relieve stress, reduce anxiety, improve mental focus, boost digestion, improve sleep, balance your energy – some of the many benefits of a regular breathing practice.

It is easy to neglect to care for our mind in the same way we might for our body, yet dedicating time to mental self-care can have a remarkable impact on body, mind and spirit.

Simply learning to take time for ourselves and re-engaging with our breath is a tonic for the stress and fatigue of everyday life.

kind words from my clients